Multiplayer Blackjack
Unless you have been firmly planted under a rock for the last ten years, you will have undoubtedly noticed the unparalleled rise of online poker tournaments.
Online poker tournaments are an resounding success, and following that success, it is only natural that the format be taken across a variety of card games.
Blackjack is one such card game that is starting to mimic the success of its card-based cousin. Tournaments that take the structure that has made poker such a success, are already incredibly popular in gambling hotspots like Las Vegas and Atlantic City. This is due, in no small part, to the characteristic enthusiasm and passion that Blackjack players are slowly but surely becoming renowned for.
So, it was only a matter of time before Blackjack followed suit and became the online multiplayer sensation that poker did. And like poker, multiplayer Blackjack offers certain advantages when compared to its traditional format:
Players can compete against other people in massive selection of different countries, at the click of a button. This removes the necessity for players to compete against the house, and instead gives them the luxury of playing against their friends and family wherever they are, while retaining all the thrills and spill of the original game.
And while five-player table Blackjack appears to be more common, there is even the option to play with up to an eight-players at one table.
So how does multiplayer Blackjack work?
Websites will usually charge players for a house-fee, as well as the usual game buy-in. This fee will vary from website to website, so it is best to ‘shop around’ and see what seems best for you.
Each player will then receive 1,000 new chips. Players will play Blackjack as usual, with people being eliminated as and when they lose all of their chips.
The total amount of players and their buy-in fees will go on to determine the total prize pool, so the more players, the larger that all-important jackpot will be.
It is worth remembering that different casinos and websites will set varying buy-in and house-fees, so it is always the best policy to see which particular one suits you, before you settle in for a session at the tables.