Tips for Splitting Pairs at Online Blackjack Sites – Playing pairs in online blackjack can be tricky. It is important to learn when the pairs can be split and when the pairs can be played together – as well as learning how the cards of the dealer are going to impact the decisions that are going to be made while taking part in the game. Here are some of the tips that should be considered when making the decision of how to split the pairs in blackjack:

As a general rule of thumb, there are two sets of pairs that should always be split. Aces and eights should be split immediately once they are played to ensure that you are not going to decrease the chances of winning the hand.

While playing a pair of twos, the player should pay careful attention to the dealer. If the dealer has a hand that is less than seven the player should split the pairs. If the player has a hand that is more than seven, the player should hit and keep the cards as a pair that is going to be played in the hand of the blackjack.

For pairs of fours, the player is recommended to split unless the player has a total of four to five in their hand, in which case the player should keep the cards paired and increase the chances of winning while playing blackjack online.

While playing pairs of fives, the player should actually double the bet that is being made if the dealer has a hand with a value of less than nine. If the dealer has cards that are over the value of nine, the player should hit the hand and get another card added to the equation.

Sixes should be split unless the dealer has a hand that is over ten. This way, the player can increase their chances of winning playing blackjack online, while making the best move with the pair of sixes that has been played to them.

Pairs of tens should never split, and the player should always stand, as this is going to have the best outcome through the hand.